Its Human nature to understand everything by its use looks and by name, like wise human understands the emotions, happening and situations and memorize by his own defined way.
How management decisions effect experience and emotions of employee
Plato says that a man is a being in search of meaning.
If we talk about employee action/reaction, it is just based on the meaning that he/she perceives for that particular emotion, experience, or situation. If we think how an employee reacts if he finds the same situation and respond , we realize that employee behavior is more or less related to last event's decision of same situation means he/she has reaction according to the meaning (positive/negative) that he/she determined.
Rules/Tips for human resource for employee management
If the HR management wants to know about the employee reaction, it must get the decision meant positively defined/determined in employee mind. Now how will it be done, is listed below:
- HR decision must be justified/transparent in its own, it should not be bias.
- Management should present the decision on from angle. Means top to bottom management team should be satisfied from decision related to an employee, situation, or change. They should present the informant of employees from same aspect.
- Line management and supervisor are first step of management team, they should show the employee that organization is based on fair rules and employees are treated fairly. They should give proper understanding to an employee about what is going to be done, why and how.
- Line managers/supervisors should be trained for fair management & behavior. (e.g., treat all employees equally, give adequate and timely information about new processes)
- HR should educate the organization policies and procedure to employee and managerial procedures should be opened.
- Employee should have the understanding that his/her voice will be encouraged, his/her concerns will be heard.
I conclude it: This is open and proven truth by number of successful organizations that Organization culture which is built of fairness, justice and stepping forward holding employee is counted as strength.